15 de mayo de 2013

Tercentenary of the Real Academia Española: Sporting notes on the Real Academia Española

Por Jesús Castañón Rodríguez

Tercentenary of the Real Academia Española: Sporting notes on the Real Academia Española

Jesús Castañón Rodríguez

2013 marks the tercentenary of the Real Academia Española, a body founded in 1713 by the Marquis of Villena in order to establish the terms of the Spanish language with propriety, elegance and purity. In the sphere of sport, its trajectory covers an exceptional history of aspects of language and literature.

Language work

The first category comprises its work on language, which includes the history of the term “deporte” (sport) and scientific study.

The permanent concern with the evolution of the term deporte and the monitoring of its inclusion in literary sources and corpora, from the Diccionario de Autoridades in 1732 to date, has occupied various directors of the Academy such as Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Manuel Alvar, Fernando Lázaro Carreter and José Manuel Blecua.

The scientific study of the Spanish language in sport, for the incorporation of its terminology in the dictionary, has evolved from a normative to a descriptive focus, from purism to attention to a complex reality in which a leading role is played by foreign words and expressions, journalistic language and the social influence of its neologisms in the renewal of general language.

This well-known lexicographic work began in modern sport with the names of sports disciplines, continued with the lexicon of words that derived from these names and also dealt with the specific words of each sport. In the Diccionario de la Lengua Española terms from modern sport have been incorporated since the 1899 edition with cycling terms, and their presence gained momentum from 1914, and especially in the 1925, 1956, 1992 and 2001 editions. In the Diccionario Manual e Ilustrado de la Lengua Española sports terminology was included as from its first edition in 1927. And the stage of pan-Hispanic collaboration with the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (Association of Spanish Language Academies) gave rise, between 2005 and 2011, to the presence of sport in another five publications: the Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, the Diccionario del estudiante, the Diccionario esencial de la lengua española, which addressed the incorporation of sports-related Latin-Americanisms, the Diccionario de americanismos and the Diccionario práctico del estudiante. These works stress an interest in: foreign words and expressions, synonyms, vulgarisms, clichés and doubts and grammatical errors.

Foreign words and expressions and sports terminology also occupied two secretaries of the Corporation: Julio Casares and Alonso Zamora Vicente. The former wrote the prologue for the six volumes of the Diccionario de los deportes written by Acisclo Karag, deputy editor of the newspaper Marca and editor of the Madrid newspaper Gol. And the latter collaborated with Juan José Alzugaray on the work Extranjerismos en el deporte in 1980. And in 2012 the Boletín de la Real Academia Española accepted the article “Anglicismos en el mundo del deporte: variación lingüística y sociolingüística” by Félix Rodríguez González.

The study of the journalistic language of sport has become a sphere in which to analyse innovation and avant-garde expressive developments and an observatory of current trends that generate neologisms with considerable social influence.

Concern regarding correct use in the media began with Menéndez Pidal and, since then, the analysis of sports language has focused on highlighting the main findings and errors and constantly monitoring the written press and radio broadcasts. The growth of the language according to the tradition and nature of Castilian Spanish gave rise in the press to the permanent study of neologisms; resolutions regarding foreign words and expressions in the official names of bodies and organisations, the names of sports disciplines, marks and insignias and terminology; and the creation of sections of grammatical guidelines and descriptive analyses of the state of the language in the written press. Among these, Fernando Lázaro Carreter stands out owing to his continuity with the section «El dardo en la palabra», in which he recognises a greater lexical and expressive freedom for sports news which should not become distanced from common language usage.

The academic analysis of the journalistic language of sport has been carried out in collaboration with the Seminario de Lexicografía (Lexicography Seminar), the Oficina Internacional de Observación y Vigilancia del Español (International Office for the Observation and Monitoring of Spanish) and, especially, the Departamento de Español Urgente (Department of Urgent Spanish) of the EFE news agency and the Fundación del Español Urgente BBVA (BBVA Foundation for Urgent Spanish). The last two have contributed suggestions for spelling the names of cities playing host to competitions as well as adjectives for their inhabitants, comments on turns of phrase in journalistic language and lexical guidelines in the different editions of the Manual de español urgente, in the books Diccionario de español urgenteEl idioma español en el deporteEl idioma español en el deporte. Guía prácticaEl idioma español en las agencias de prensaEl neologismo necesarioLibro del español urgente and Vademécum del español urgente, as well as in the specific guides prepared for the Olympic Games of 1992 and 2012 and the Euro 2012 football championship, in the monographic issue of the magazine Donde dice…and in the Wikilengua del español.

Furthermore, the Docta Casa also participated in two congresses held in 1992 and 2012: the International Congress El idioma español en el deporte (The Spanish Language in Sport)and the VII Seminario Internacional de Lengua y Periodismo: “El español en el periodismo deportivo” (7th International Seminar on Language and Journalism: “Spanish in sports journalism”). On both occasions, the inaugural sessions were held at the Monastery of Yuso and they featured the inaugural conferences of the directors of the Real Academia Española Fernando Lázaro Carreter and José Manuel Blecua. The first congress included contributions by the academicians Manuel Alvar, Valentín García Yebra, Fernando Lázaro Carreter and Francisco Rodríguez Adrados. The study of sport was promoted for its description, a structural vision of the word deporte was established, a reflection was made on its technical concepts and five proposals for action were established: to incorporate sports language in the lexicographical works of the Real Academia Española, to seek collaboration with other governing bodies of the language in order to improve the idiomatic level, to provide bibliographic stability, to exhort sports journalism to enrich the language and to favour the comprehensive training of journalists. And the second congress, after providing continuity for seven of the aspects analysed in 1992, stressed the impact of sport on the renewal of general language, its social influence in the creation of neologisms and its use as a resource for writing in other news areas together with other matters such as the constant concern of sports communication regarding the good use of language and the full incorporation of women in sport.

Literary creation

Throughout its history, the Real Academia Española has also been fully dedicated to the creation of language and around forty of its members have thus created literary works with a sports theme. Their works tackle games, sport in general, the figure of the sportsman or woman, social snobbery, the Olympic Games and twenty-three sports: chess, athletics, motor racing, basketball, bowls, boxing, hunting, cycling, fencing, football, golf, riding, judo, motorcycling, swimming, skating, pelota, fishing, rowing, trekking, tennis, table tennis and sailing.  

In particular, three of its directors have participated in this task with compositions on sport in general, motor racing, football and rowing.

The ideas of some directors

Although sports terms have been present throughout the history of the Docta Casa, in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries sport has received a strong boost thanks to the work of some directors such as Ramón Menéndez Pidal, José María Pemán, Dámaso Alonso, Pedro Laín Entralgo, Rafael Lapesa, Manuel Alvar, Fernando Lázaro Carreter, Víctor García de la Concha and José Manuel Blecua.

Good use of journalistic language, a liking for the creation of metaphors, the observation of historic sources, linguistic guidance, observation of the main trends of current Spanish or the inclusion of terms in dictionaries are some of the aspects they have in common, together with participation at congresses or observation from bodies such as the Seminario de Lexicografía (Lexicography Seminar), la Oficina Internacional de Observación y Vigilancia del Español (International Office for the Observation and Monitoring of Spanish), the publications Lingüística Española Actual and Revista de Filología Española, and participation on the Advisory Board of the Department of Urgent Spanish and the BBVA Foundation for Urgent Spanish.

In 1956 Dámaso Alonso gave the presentation «Unidad y defensa del idioma» (Unity and defence of the language), at the Segundo Congreso de Academias de la Lengua Española (Second Congress of Spanish Language Academies).

Manuel Alvar  set his sights on four aspects between 1992 and 1997: the reflection on the terminology of four Olympic and one non-Olympic sports, the presence of sport in the Diccionario de la Lengua Española, the consideration of sport as a complex cultural phenomenon with sociological, historical, literary and artistic implications and the description of some of its peculiarities such as metaphoric creations, elocutionary emphasis, voice modulations, Anglicisms, Americanisms, Franglais, rhetoric, neologisms or the formation of particular lexicons.

José Manuel Blecua, between 1986 and 2012, contributed his vision to the preparation of the style guide of the newspaper La Vanguardia and to the history of the word deporte with an observation of historic sources and its documentation in databases and corpora to emphasise the union of the words with social life or the use of loanwords and the importance of bibliographies, computer programs, databases, corpora, teamwork and the application of new technologies in these studies. He presented this work at the inaugural conferences of the Seminario Internacional de Lengua y Periodismo (International Seminar on Language and Journalism) and the Summer Courses of the University of Cádiz in San Roque. Furthermore, he provided continuity to the presence of sporting terms in the Diccionario práctico del estudiante and kept attention focused on the journalistic language of radio and television broadcasts.

From 2001 to 2011, Víctor García de la Concha favoured the presence of sport in five lexicographical works with a pan-Hispanic focus, which were published during his term as director: the Diccionario de la Lengua Española, the Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, the Diccionario del estudiante, the Diccionario esencial de la lengua española and the Diccionario de americanismos.

Pedro Laín Entralgoapproached sport, between 1943 and 1987, with the “Inaugural session” presentation of the Primera reunión de Academias de la Lengua Española sobre el lenguaje y los medios de comunicación (First meeting of Spanish Language Academies on language and the communications media) and with the essays «Servidumbre de la educación física» and “Ocio y trabajo”.

Rafael Lapesa stressed, between 1963 and 1993, the incorporation of sports words in the general lexicon, the phonological repercussion of foreign words and expressions and initials, the growing presence of semantic foreign words and expressions and a historical review of the presence of the terminology of modern sport in the Diccionario de la Lengua Española from the first words admitted in the 1899 edition. He commented on terms of a general nature, Olympic and non-Olympic sports, with a special preference for athletics, boxing, cycling, football and tennis.

Fernando Lázaro Carreter worked intensively on the language of sport between 1975 and 2002 with general reflection in institutions and at congresses and guidance towards a decorous use of sports language. The general reflection in institutions and at congresses included activities organised by the EFE news agency, the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language, the Duques de Soria Foundation, the Germán Sánchez Rupérez Foundation and the Juan March Foundation. He also wrote the prologue for the book Historia del Real Madrid 1902-2002: la entidad, los socios, el madridismo. The guidance on the decorous use of sports language has covered three facets: the writing of style guides, collaborations in the sports press and criticism of the excesses of performance-language. The first facet can be seen in the style guides of the EFE news agency and the newspaper ABC. The second, with a series of special articles for the newspaper Marca in the section «Firma en Marca» and the prologue of the book Aquí unos amigos by the journalist José Ramón de la Morena. And the third, with collaborations in the newspapers Informaciones, Ya and El País and in the EFE news agency, under the title «El dardo en la palabra» and «El nuevo dardo en la palabra» which glossed phonic aspects (fetishisms with the names of sports stars in both spelling and pronunciation, continued emphasis, singing goal, the hispanisation of neologisms, unnecessary neologisms and the recourse to Latin-American Spanish used in a style of spectacular diffusion), grammatical aspects (archaic uses of verb tenses, confusion between the transitivity and intransitivity of verbs, the elimination of articles and enclitic reflexive pronouns, changes in the grammatical meaning of prepositions, the incorrect use of “de” before “que”, gender problems, lexical creativity via the use of affixes and fashionable locutions) and lexical aspects (linguistic abuses and errors, lexical creations, the impact of fashionable languages, criticism of Spanglish, the unfleshing of meanings with terms that simplify concepts and eliminate shades of meaning, neologisms, absurd recreations of terms and turns of phrase and rhetoric). His linguistic analysis dealt with twelve sports: athletics, motor racing, basketball, boxing, tempo running, cycling, football, golf, riding, motorcycling, surfing and tennis.

Between 1956 and 1966, Ramón Menéndez Pidal contributed to matters related with journalistic language in his presentation «Nuevo valor de la palabra hablada y la unidad del idioma» (New value of the spoken word and the unity of language) at the Segundo Congreso de Academias de la Lengua Española (Second Congress of Spanish Language Academies)and in paragraph 83.5 of the Manual de Gramática Histórica Española when explaining the history of the word “deporte”.

José María Pemán combined, between 1947 and 1976, the linguistic aspect, with «Discurso de Clausura» in the closing session of the Segundo Congreso de Academias de la Lengua Española, and a literary dimension on the Olympics, regattas and football which appeared in «Oda triunfal a los remeros del Club Náutico de Cádiz», «El superhombre olímpico», «Romance del rapto blanco» and «Dime poeta».


In short, the Spanish language in sport has held a constant dialogue with the main linguistic institution, ever since its commencement. It is fully incorporated into the work of the Real Academia española, thanks to the collaboration between sports men and women, sports journalists and philologists.

 Bibliographical references

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